Music Perception (general)           Pitch         Loudness

Harmony          Melody          Rhythm          Timbre      

         Tempo, Duration, & Structure          Music & Language    Musical Imagery     

Emotion &Meaning   Talent, Intelligence & Creativity             

Evolution & Development        Music, Health & Medicine

Amusia & Other Deficits           Plasticity          Musicians' Brains


Music Perception (general)

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Arikan MK, et al. Music effects on event-related potentials of humans on the basis of cultural environment. Neuroscience Letters 1999, 268: 21-24. PDF

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Evers S, et al. The cerebral haemodynamics of music perception: A transcranial Doppler sonography study. Brain 1999, 122: 75-85. PDF

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Griffiths TD. Human complex sound analysis. Clinical Science 1999, 96: 231-234. PDF

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Iakovides SA, et al. Psychophysiology and psychoacoustics of music: Perception of complex sound in normal subjects and psychiatric patients. Annals of General Hospital Psychiatry 2004, 3:6. PDF

Jackendoff R & Lerdahl F. The capacity for music: What is it, and what's special about it? Cognition 2006, 100: 33-72. PDF

Janata P & Grafton ST. Swinging in the brain: Shared neural substrates for behaviors related to sequencing and music. Nature Neuroscience 2003, 6(7): 682-687. PDF

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Julicher F, Andor D & Duke T. Physical basis of two-tone interference in hearing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2001, 98(16): 9080-9085. PDF

Koelsch S, et al. Electric brain responses reveal gender differences in music processing. NeuroReport 2003, 14(5): 709-713. PDF

Kraemer DJM, et al. Sound of silence activates auditory cortex. Nature 2005, 434: 158. PDF

Langers DRM, Backes WH & van Dijk P. Representation of lateralization and tonotopy in primary versus secondary human auditory cortex. NeuroImage 2007, 34: 264-273. PDF

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Nakamura S, et al. Analysis of music-brain interaction with simultaneous measurement of regional cerebral blood flow and electroencephalogram beta rhythm in human subjects. Neuroscience Letters 1999, 275: 222-226. PDF

Oohashi T, et al. Inaudible high-frequency sounds affect brain activity: Hypersonic effect. Journal of Neurophysiology 2000, 83: 3548-3558. PDF

Paavilainen P, et al. Neuronal populations in the human brain extracting invariant relationships from acoustic variance. Neuroscience Letters 1999, 265: 179-182. PDF

Patel AD & Balaban E. Human auditory cortical dynamics during perception of long acoustic sequences: Phase tracking of carrier frequency by the auditory steady-state response. Cerebral Cortex 2004, 14: 35-46. PDF

Peretz I & Coltheart M. Modularity of music processing. Nature Neuroscience 6(7): 688-691. PDF

Peretz I & Zatorre RJ. Brain organization for music processing. Annual Review of Psychology 2005, 56: 89-114. PDF

Rauschecker JP. Cortical processing of complex sounds. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 1998, 8: 516-521. PDF

Sacks O. The power of music. Brain 2006, 129: 2528-2532. PDF

Schmuckler MA & Gilden DL. Auditory perception of fractal contours. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance 1993, 19(3): 641-660. PDF

Schön D & Besson M. Visually induced auditory expectancy in music reading: A behavioral and electrophysiology study. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience 2005, 17(4): 694-705. PDF

Shera CA, Guinan JJ Jr. & Oxenham AJ. Revised estimates of human cochlear tuning from otoacoustic and behavioral measurements. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2002, 99(5): 3318-3323. PDF

Sridharan D, et al. Neural dynamics of event segmentation in music: Converging evidence for dissociable vental and dorsal networks. Neuron 2007, 55: 521-532. PDF

Szpunar KK, Schellenberg EG & Pliner P. Liking and memory for musical stimuli as a function of exposure. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition 2004, 30(2): 370-381. PDF

Talavage TM, et al. Tonotopic organization in human auditory cortex revealed by progressions of frequency sensitivity. Journal of Neurophysiology 2004, 91: 1282-1296. PDF

Tervaniemi M, et al. The musical brain: Brain waves reveal the neurophysiological basis of musicality in human subjects. Neuroscience Letters 1997, 226: 1-4. PDF

Tervaniemi M & Hughdahl K. Lateralization of auditory-cortex funtions. Brain Research Reviews 2003, 43: 231-246. PDF

Tervaniemi M, et al. Sound processing in amateur musicians and nonmusicians: Event-related potential and behavioral indices. NeuroReport 2006, 17(11): 1225-1228. PDF

Ulanovsky N, et al. Multiple time scales of adaptation in auditory cortex neurons. The Journal of Neuroscience 2004, 24(46): 10440-10453. PDF

Warren JD. Variations on the musical brain. Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine 1999, 92: 571-575. PDF

Warren JD & Griffiths TD. Distinct mechanisms for processing spatial sequences and pitch sequences in the human auditory brain. The Journal of Neuroscience 2003, 23(13): 5799-5804. PDF

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Zatorre RJ & Belin P. Spectral and temporal processing in human auditory cortex. Cerebral Cortex 2001, 11: 946-953. PDF

Zatorre RJ & Krumhansl CL. Mental models and musical minds. Science 2002, 298: 2138-2139. PDF

Zatorre RJ. Music, the food of neuroscience? Nature 2005, 434: 312-315. PDF

Zatorre RJ & Halpern AR. Mental concerts: Musical imagery and auditory cortex. Neuron 2005, 47: 9-12. PDF

Zatorre RJ, Chen JL & Penhune VB. When the brain plays music: Auditory-motor interactions in music perception and production. Nature Reviews Neuroscience 2007, 8: 547-558. PDF

van Zuijen TL, et al. Auditory organization of sound sequences by a temporal or numerical regularity: A mismatch negativity study comparing musicians and non-musicians. Cognitive Brain Research 2005, 23: 270-276. PDF




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Bermudez P & Zatorre RJ. Conditional associative memory for musical stimuli in nonmusicians: Implications for absolute pitch. The Journal of Neuroscience 2005, 25(34): 7718-7723. PDF

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Tempo, Duration, & Structure

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